To Zoo Be Zoo Be or Not to Zou Bisou Bisou
I wrote a short piece for Vulture about the history of that song Megan sang on Mad Men last night ("Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo" or "Zou Bisou Bisou," depending on your Frenchiness), but what I didn't mention was the dark history of other couples who indulged in public musical seductions.
Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford had a rocky road for a while after she "Put the Blame On Mame"; we all know how things turned out after Marilyn Monroe sang "Happy Birthday" to the President. Ike and Tina had their troubles. Even original Z00-Be-Zooer Sophia Loren upended the life of a lovestruck Peter Sellers, who wrestled with his obsession for years following The Millionairess.
Here's hoping Megan and Don beat the curse. If it all falls apart in the end, at least we had this glorious proof that, unlike Betty Draper, Megan Calvet knows how to live dangerously.
Here are the lyrics to both versions.
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo.
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo.
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo.
Zoo Be Zoo, Zoo Be Zoo
Means that I love you
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo, Zoo Be Zoo
Means that I love you
Here's a simple idea for you,
Heavenly music and only for two
Don't need the words they get in the way
Here is what you say
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo, Zoo Be Zoo
Means that I love you
Zoo be zoo be zoo
I can't explain this feeling
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
The tune is so appealing
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo, Zoo Be Zoo
Means that I love you
So all I do is Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Our hearts are close together
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
This tune is ours forever
Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo
Zoo Be Zoo, Zoo Be Zoo
Means that I love you
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou
Zou bisou
Mon Dieu, qu'ils sont doux!
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou
Zou bisou
Le bruit des bisous!
Dans les buissons, sous le ciel du mois d'août
Les amoureux glissent à pas de loup
Comme les oiseaux, ils ont rendez-vous
On entend partout...
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou
Zou bisou
Mon Dieu, qu'ils sont doux!
Mais, dites-moi, savez-vous
Ce que veut dire, entre nous,
Ce que veut dire zou bizou?
Ça veut dire, je vous l'avoue,
Mais oui, je n'aime que vous!
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou bisou
Zou bisou
Mon Dieu, que c'est doux!
Mais pas besoin des buissons du mois d'août
Quand tu m'embrasses doucement dans le cou!
C'est curieux, tu vois, je l'avoue,
Ça me fait partout Zou bisou